Look what good has come
Published on August 9, 2004 By pttiann In Current Events
Recently I was checking the news from Reuters on my homepage at Earthlink I discovered a very interesting and uplifting aticle. It talked about the children of Afghanistan and what they have done now that the Taliban is not in full power of the people. Eight Thousand of the young male soldiers have layed down their guns and enrolled in a program started by UNICEF. It offers the boys education and vocational training. These boys have decided to give up their violent lives for books and knowledge.

Isn't it great the change that these children can experience now. They have been given the oppurtunity to stear their life in the right direction. This makes me feel so much better and gives me new hope for the young children of countries that are being ruled by tyrants. Maybe it is worth entering these countries. For the childrens sake. These boys now can have alot of the oppurtunities that many American children have available. It is always good to hear something good coming out of something so bad.We now have Eight Thousand less enemy soldiers.

It's really terrible when you think about how thse boys never had any other oppurtunities in their life except to fight at such young ages.Now they will be able to be educated and turn from a life of violence and hatred. This is a wonderful thing for all children in the world. Hopefully this trend can continue in other Countries that recruit young soldiers before they are even old enough to decide for their own what they want to do with their life. Upbeat articles like this renew a sense of hope in me. I hope it will make your day a little better too.

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